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Lifestyle Networks' Vision

Lifestyle Networks' Vision is to become the premier consumer technology services company in the world by progressively applying advances in digital technologies to make people's lives secure, convenient and enjoyable in a personalized manner.

Our Guiding Principles are:

  •    Serve each client with integrity and professionalism
  •    Deliver exceptional value in each project

Design Approach

Lifestyle Networks is a knowledge-driven organization. We consider products as enablers of the benefits that our clients desire to enjoy. Our services start with a comprehensive design process that is based on the following principles:

  • Personalized to the needs and interests of each member of the family.

  • Simple and easy to use tablet or smartphone interface to control devices and access information

  • Affordable, high quality components that work well together delivering exceptional value

  • Scalable architecture makes it possible to build and modify as needs and interests change

  • Flexible design means that we can integrate a wide range of components to suit the specific needs of each project

  • Non-proprietary design and programming based on commonly used open source platforms (such as TCP/IP on which the Internet communication is based) enables integration of best value hardware components, ensuring that the design is as affordable and future proof as can be